Portable Streaming Server PortaStream PS-V50

Portable Streaming Server PortaStream PS-V50アイコンPortable Streaming Server PortaStream PS-V50

PortaStream™ is a small, lightweight and battery-driven Streaming Server designed for airline use. It delivers content wirelessly to PEDs (Smartphones and Tablet/Laptop PCs).*
No more installation problems! You can quickly and easily realize your desired IFE services.

*Internet-access service is not supported.

Small, lightweight design allows easy carry-on

Portable Streaming Server PortaStream PS-V50

Weight: 5.0kg (11lbs) *Including 2(two) batteries

The small, lightweight design allows easy-carrying into the aircraft. NO-STC is required as No Cables or Screws are necessary. Save Money!
Wireless content distribution to PEDs!
Providing a true AVOD experience for your passengers.
PortaCloud (specialized cloud server) is available for Download/Upload portal and content. PortaCloud controls contents via the ground system, and makes syncing contents with the PortaStream™.